Thoughts from Down Under

RSS is the Best Way to Consume News and Blogs

These last few months have not been endearing for people who consume news on a daily basics. With the news breaking that Substack has a Nazi problem, and Artifact shutting down at the end of Feb. It begs the question what is the best way to consumer news. 

What is even RSS by the way? RSS is subscribing to a website without actually giving them any of your information. This allows you to “Subscribe” to tons of websites in one app. This allows you to skim through all the content published over a period of time and read what you like. 

I discovered RSS in the beginning of 2010 and the idea of a feed resonated with me. Twitter was thriving at that time and the idea of me reviewing all articles published in the last day. I review them on a daily basics and get tons of reading done with my morning Tea. For long term articles, I push them to Goodlinks app for reading them when I have the time. 

However, the biggest challenge of reading RSS daily is that it’s boring. The practice of reading text has deteriorated over time and reading only headlines for 15 minutes is not particularly enjoyable. 

The best way to get started is to use a RSS service for free is NetNewsWire. I would suggest not subscribe to popular news websites because they will publish 100+ articles a day and it takes practice to go through them. Starting out subscribe to your niche websites and build from there. 

I believe over time this is one of the best ways to keep track of Blogs, Indie software websites and local news and the best part is there no algorithm to manipulate you.

Give RSS a shot.